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6th Grade

7 students

Grade 6:  In the Beginning

Teacher: Angela Haddad

Curriculum Covered: The Old Testament and its relationship to the New Testament and Church Services.

Scripture – Biblical Knowledge
Text focus on the Old Testament and its relationship to the New Testament and Church Services. Text is comprised of six units: Why the Old Testament? The Law. History, The Prophets, The Wisdom Literature and The Old Testament Lives in the Church.

Church History/Holy Tradition
Addresses how Old Testament prayers and customs are still used in various services today, including, church concepts, symbols and practices such as censing and processions. Biblical symbolism of hymns and prayers as well as a study of maps is also discussed

The world God created is good, God is creator and ruler over all creation, Man is made in the image and likeness of God, Man was created to rule, to care for and be in charge over all creation, Man’s sin is choosing to live without God. Sin comes from man, not God, Prophecy of Messiah in Old Testament fulfilled in New.

Prayer – Liturgical/Personal
Students study the prayers, hymns and readings of the church services in light of the Old Testament. Students study the psalms and are exposed to their quality as prayers and hymns and the habit of prayer is instilled through opening and closing prayers.

Church Services – the following services are discussed to show the Old Testament prayers, and in particular the psalms are used in the following services of the Church: Vespers, Matins, Divine Liturgy, Hours, Nocturne, Complines.

Students are exposed to the faith, wisdom, hope and love of various Old Testament figures; most notably: growth in faith and trust in God as did Abraham; recognizing God’s law in the commandments given to Moses; and the virtue and blessings which come from requesting wisdom from God as King Solomon did. Students gain an appreciate for the inspiration of the wisdom writings (Psalms, Proverbs, etc) and how they can be applied to life now.

Vocations are discerned through faith and trust in God.

